How to Brew with a Clever Dripper

The Clever Dripper combines the benefits of an immersion and a pour over without its drawbacks. Sounds too good to be true? Find out if your dripper is really clever, this recipe makes a cups of delicious coffee with no fuss.


20g Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans 

About 300g 92°C Hot Water 



Clever Coffee Dripper

Filter Paper


Weighing Scale

Carafe or Cup



Step 1: Rinse 

Fold the filter paper by the edges, and place it on the Clever Dripper. Rinse the filter paper with hot water and pour the water away. Heat up your carafe or cup with some hot water. 

Step 2: Grind

Grind the coffee beans using the medium setting of your grinder. 

Step 3: Setup

Pour coffee grounds into the wet filter paper.  Ensure that the coffee bed is even and then hit tare on the weighing scale. 

Step 4: Pour

Start the timer and pour 300g of water in circular motion, ensuring that all the coffee grounds were soaked. Use your teaspoon to stir the entire slurry. When the timer hits the 2-minute mark, give the slurry another good stir. 

Step 5: Filter & Enjoy!

When the timer hits 2.5 minutes, place your Clever Dripper on your cup or carafe. This will release the lock mechanism, and filter the coffee into your cup or carafe.

Written by PPP Coffee
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